Longwood Gardens
September 7, 2003
Longwood Gardens
Just after our trip to the Kennett Square Mushroom Festival, Vair, Jon, and I (Tiana) made a couple hour stop at Longwood Gardens, the former summer home of the Dupont family. It was a perfect day, complete with blue skies and blooms galore. Throw in a 7-cup mushroom soup lunch for each of us, and you've got my personal version of heaven.

Silly Duponts. They get all the good summer homes.

Tiana and Jon pretending they own the place.

One of my favorite pics of Vair. Classic architecture to complement a classically beautiful lady.

It's like Where's Waldo...only with Grecian urns.

This view was tucked away in a corner of the garden.

The ultimate slip-n'-slide.

View of the greenhouse from the fountain.

Ferns. Lots of 'em.

Jon going for the just-fell-off-the-pumpkin-truck look.

Like Vair didn't plan that color coordination.

This looks like a job for Monet.

Who knew forest rangers liked meadows?

Vair...I think we're being stalked.

Jon realizing we're on to him and hiding behind the bushes.

Does this tree make my butt look big?

Ah, the perfect climbing tree.

Sheesh. And I complain about mowing the lawn.

Meet Trogdor, keeper of the topiary garden.

This view in itself made the trip worthwhile.

We passed by this tower just as the bells chimed.

Tiana, sitting next to her three imaginary friends.

Hungry hungy hippos...er, catfish.
Apparently the view from the chairs must be far more compelling.

An indoor oasis.
Please, I'm lucky if I can get African violets to bloom indoors.

Tropical Vair posing by the anthuriums.
Almost as many orchids here as at Jeni's house.

Well, maybe just a few more...

Longwood Garden's waterlily courtyard.

Another garden courtyard tucked away within the gardens.

View of the greenhouse from the courtyard.

There's something luxurious about full blooms in September.

What a lotus in bloom looks like.

Huge waterlily leaves. It is said that they can support the weight of a person standing on them.

What a young lilypad looks like at 4 days old.

I love the reflection of the sky in this picture.

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